I had a conversation with a dear friend this afternoon about how often times different people cope differently. Whether this coping be grieving or simply adjusting to a new lifestyle, no two people can do it the same. Especially with CoronaVirus, things can get tough these days. I myself have been struggling with this lately. Being away from the place you started calling your second home, and the people who became your second family isn’t always easy. Especially because as times and conditions change, people adjust differently. It’s at times like this that I remind myself that just because something isn’t near, doesn’t mean that it’s gone. Sometimes putting in that extra minute for someone, or giving them that extra piece of advice goes further than you’d think.
A sincere reminder to all: check up on your friends, ask them how everything’s going, and understand that everyone has their own battles and struggles, but you can be the difference between a person’s good day or a bad day!